
Laboratory of Genetics, Peking University Cancer Hospital

Prognostic tool for predicting the overall survival after esophagectomy


This tool is used to estimate postoperative survival in patients with esophageal squamous cell carcinoma receiving esophagectomy as the initial treatment, and to provide information regarding benefits of different types of postoperative therapies.


Before using this tool, please read this statement carefully and thoroughly. By using this tool, you are indicating your assent to the entire content of this statement.
This tool aims to provide prognostic prediction for patients with esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC) after surgery. All estimates provided by this tool are calculated based on the statistical probability calculation of a specific population of patients with ESCC in China, and are not intended to be used as medical advice from health professionals or as legal medical document. You are advised to use this risk assessment tool and related feedback as additional information source for decisions regarding treatment, rehabilitation, use of medical products or any other related medical services. You should seek and follow advice from professional physicians or other qualified health professionals. Regardless of your purpose in using our website, the information in this website is not intended to a substitute for your own medical judgment or reliable advice. We hereby solemnly declare that we take no responsibility or obligation resulting from the reliance on the materials on this website by any user of this website or anyone who was informed of the content of this website. You agree that we will not be responsible for any direct or indirect losses caused by your use of and/or reliance on the content or information on this website, and shall not assume any responsibility for the accuracy, timeliness and applicability of the content and other materials on this website.


        本工具旨在为食管鳞癌术后患者提供预后预测服务。本工具提供的所有预测结果均基于中国特定食管鳞癌患者人群的统计概率计算获得, 不作为专业医疗建议或具备法律效力的医疗文书。您同意仅将本风险评估结果与相关反馈内容作为治疗、康复、使用医疗产品或其他任何相关医疗服务的辅助性建议。 您应寻求专业医师及其他具备相应资质的专业人士意见并遵照医嘱执行。 不论您基于任何原因访问或浏览本网站,本网站所载信息绝无意代替您自己的医学判断并且本网站刊载的任何内容亦无意作为可以信赖的建议, 因此,我们郑重声明因任何本网站访问者或任何获知本网站内容者基于对本网站材料的信赖所引起的任何责任与义务都与本网站无关。 您同意我们将不对您使用和/或依赖本网站内容或者信息导致的直接或间接损失承担任何责任,并不对网站内容及其他材料的准确性、时效性、可适用性承担任何保证责任。
        参考文献:Yang W, Liu F, Xu R, Yang W, He Y, Liu Z, Zhou F, Heng F, Hou B, Zhang L, Chen L, Zhang F, Cai F, Xu H, Lin M, Liu M, Pan Y, Liu Y, Hu Z, Chen H, He Z, Ke Y. Is adjuvant therapy a better option for esophageal squamous cell carcinoma patients treated with esophagectomy? A prognosis prediction model based on multicenter real-world data. Ann Surg. 2021;Publish Ahead of Print. https://dx.doi.org/10.1097/SLA.0000000000004958.


Note: When calculating the percentiles, project the total score of the user to the cumulative percentile in the total scores of all participants (sample size = 5944) sorted in ascending order. Three risk groups were classified according to the tertiles of total score in the development (Anyang) set (sample size = 4129). The survival probabilities corresponding to the total score are calculated using "nomogramEx" package in R software. If the survival probability result is shown as 0, it only means that based on the statistical estimation of the sample in this model, the patient's predicted survival probability is infinitely close to 0, but not that the real survival rates in all such cases are 0.
备注:计算百分位数时,先将全部研究对象(样本量为5944)总分从低到高排序,然后将测试者总分(total score)对应到该排序数列的累积百分位上。根据建模集人群(样本量为4129)中总分的三分位数,将研究对象划分为不同的风险组。使用R语言的nomogramEx包计算总分对应的生存概率。如果生存概率计算结果显示为"0",仅意味着基于本模型的研究样本的统计估计,患者生存概率无限趋近于0,并不代表真实世界中所有这类患者的生存概率都为"0"。

Distribution of total score in all participants
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32
Total score (总得分)
 Sugery only
 Sugery + radiotherapy
 Sugery + chemotherapy
 Sugery + chemoradiotherapy

Note: This figure was plotted based on the distribution of the total scores of all participants in this analysis (sample size = 5944).

Note: The survival curves of the different risk groups are drawn using time-to-event data of all participants (sample size = 5944). The cutoff values for classifying the risk group are based on the tertiles of total scores in the development set (sample size = 4129).